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How to Use your Blüüm Crown

Use, care, helpful tips


 Here is a short video showing you how to use your crown


Power and Effects

Single Press.png
Power Icon.png

Single press to power on
Long press (4-5 secs) to power off


Single press to cycle through effects


Double press to cycle through headlamp & floodlight modes

Adjust Brightness

Brightness Control.png

Short press, then tap to adjust brightness

Press button for 1 second. A pulse will ripple out and back indicating you are now in brightness mode. Tap anywhere on the flower to change brightness.


Bluetooth and Factory Reset

Press Repeatedly.png

Press rapidly to reset Bluetooth & enter Bluetooth registration mode

Mash the center button until the crown starts pulsing blue. Your crown is now available for bluetooth registration. Use the bluum app to name your crown and save your favorite settings

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Reset to factory default settings

Mash the center button until you enter Bluetooth registration mode, the crown will pulse blue. Double press the button to enter factory reset mode, your crown will start pulsing yellow. Short press for 2 seconds to confirm and reset your crown to the default settings.


 Connect Your Phone

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Connect Your Crown to Your Phone

Step 1) Download the free bluum app from the Google Play store for Android or Apple App store for iOS

Step 2) Power on your crown. Open the app, pull down to refresh the Bluetooth scanning for available flower crowns to connect to and select your crown

Step 3) That’s it! Now you customize your color, effect, brightness, sound reactivity, and dance reactivity all from your phone! Neat-o!



How do I turn on my crown?

Sometimes if the crown has been sitting dormant for awhile it may take a few good presses to wake up. If pressing the button isn’t turning on your crown, the battery may need a bit of a charge. Plug it in to give it some juice.

How do I turn off my crown?

Press and hold the power button for 4-5 seconds until it turns off

How do I connect my crown to my phone?

Power on your crown. Open the bluum app on your smartphone or tablet. Make sure you have bluetooth enabled. Scan for nearby crowns. Select your crown from the list. Boom! Connected!

How long does the battery last on a charge?

It depends! We estimate 10-12 hours of battery life based on regular usage (running flow on medium brightness). Depending on the effect and brightness level, the battery can last as little as an hour (full brightness on flood) to several days (low brightness on drizzle). The higher the brightness, the more LEDs lit, the quicker you’ll drain the battery. Each combination of effects & settings will give you a different run time.

How do I check my crown’s battery level?

Long press the button as if you were powering off the crown. After a few seconds the crown will show the current battery level indication with full green being fully charged, fading down to red when the battery is running low

How do I turn sound/dance reactivity on/off?

Turning on & off the reactivity can only be performed from within the app. Open the bluum app on your smartphone or tablet. Scroll to the Sound Reactive or Dance Reactive toggle. Turn the settings on or off as you like.

How do I change my crown settings?

All settings can be adjusted and controlled from the Android or iOS bluum app. The effect can be cycled through by single pressing the button. Double pressing the button will toggle & cycle through utility effects (headlamp & floodlight). Brightness can be adjusted with a short press (1 sec) followed by tapping the plastic enclosure.

How do I download the app?

You can download the bluum app from the Google Play store for Android devices or the Apple App store for Apple products. Have fun controlling your crown from your favorite smart devices!

Does my phone need to be on and connected for my crown to work?

Nope! We designed the bluum crown to work with or without a smartphone connection. While there are some controls and functionality that are only accessible through the app, most of the core functionality is accessible through various button presses.

I’m having trouble connecting to my WiFi for OTA updates

The bluum crown hardware can’t connect to 5Ghz WiFi routers. The OTA update functionality only works using non-5Ghz WiFi. The app will ask for your WiFi credentials and you will have to enter your WiFi and password. If the connection is successful the crown will download the latest firmware and update itself.

My flowers are dirty, how do I clean them?

Definitely DO NOT throw them in the washing machine or dishwasher! Power off your crown and gently massage the flower petals with a fabric cleaner of your choice. We found that your favorite Oxy-whatever cleaner or sodium percarbonate cleaner does a pretty good job of bringing back that white color.

Is my crown waterproof?

Your crown should survive getting caught in the rain or having water splashed on it just fine, but don’t take your crown for a swim in the pool.

What are the flower crowns made of?

Our flowers are 100% polyester fabric and put together using hot glue. The LED strip underneath uses SK6812 3535 LEDs, and the plastic enclosure is made of Polycarbonate plastic. The bendable adjustable green wire at the end is coated in silicone rubber. All of our materials are extra-safe, but be mindful that there is a rechargeable lithium polymer battery which can be damaged if exposed to extreme temperatures.

I was raging so hard that one of my flowers fell off, what do I do??

The flowers are attached using hot glue, but there are all sorts of glues that will work to stick your flower back on, fabric glue, contact adhesive, E6000, and of course hot glue to name a few. If you don’t want to stick the flower back on yourself, reach out to us at and we can help with the repair process.

Do you ship internationally?

Unfortunately, as we are starting off we are limiting our shipments to the United States. As we ramp up and grow we hope to expand to be able to ship overseas. Because of the different radio wave emissions rules for each country, it is cost prohibitive for us to get certified in every country at this time.

What is your return policy?

If you need to return your flower crown for any reason, we offer a full refund within the first 60 days of purchase. Once the 60-day window has passed, we reserve the right to assess each return request on a case by case basis. Reach out to us at and we will be happy to work with you to make things right :)


 Happy? Sad? Want to talk about space dinosaurs?

Reach out to us at or direct message us on social media with any questions or concerns and we’ll do everything we can to make your day better :)
